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I. 政策声明

Including faculty in policy formulation at 世界杯官方app下载 (世界杯官方app) is consistent with 世界杯官方app’s core value of collaboration. 协作需要与他人一起朝着共同的目标努力,同时重视团队合作, 参与, 以及对公共服务的承诺.

II. 基本原理

The policy supports the University of Texas System (UT系统) Regents’ Rules and 规定 40101 教师在教育政策中的作用, which states that faculty members at institutions in the UT系统 shall have a major role in the governance of their respective institutions.

3. 范围


IV. 本政策的网站地址


V. 相关法规、政策、要求或标准

  1. 德克萨斯大学系统政策或校董会规则 & 监管
    1. UT系统校董会 40101规则教师在教育政策制定中的作用

VI. 联系人


  1. 学术事务

7. 定义

  1. 管理: 行政部门由总统组成, 全体副总裁, 学术院长, 系主任/校董, 首席法律事务主任, 总审计长, 机构合规和风险服务执行董事. Note: References to Department Chair throughout the 操作程序手册 also include the School Director title.
  2. 教务委员会: 教务委员会 is an elected legislative and deliberative body whose primary purpose is to represent the 世界杯官方app faculty. 教务委员会 reviews and formulates policy and enacts legislation on all matters pertaining to the professional concerns, 职责, 标准, 道德, 责任, 先决条件, 和工作条件, 以及与学术自由和教职员工公平有关的问题. 教务委员会 acts to amend or approve changes to the 操作程序手册 (跳).
  3. 一般教员: 由学术上合格的人员组成 跳策略2.02,   教员任命和头衔.
  4. 研究生委员会: 教务委员会的运作单位, 代表独立于参议院发展. 研究生委员会 recommends 政策 and procedures through the 教师参议院 and the University Leadership Council at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The Council cultivates and fosters graduate education of the highest quality at the masters and doctoral levels. 它有助于发展和审查正在进行的和新的研究生课程, 政策, 还有学术机会. It cultivates intellectual leadership and excellence in all aspects of the development and application of significant reSearch, 严谨的调查, 以及对新知识的追求.
  5. 任职期间: 继续被任命为世界杯官方app普通教员的成员.
  6. 任期内的题目: 除了摄政教授和摄政研究学者的头衔, the only titles to be used henceforth in which faculty members may hold tenure are as follows: (a) professor and (b) associate professor.
  7. 终身教职员工: A faculty position associated with a probationary appointment which can lead to tenure, 但它还没有被授予终身教职. 中包含特定的终身职位头衔 跳策略2.02 教员任命和头衔. Examples include assistant professor, instructor, and associate professor hired without tenure.
  8. 大学领导委员会: 大学领导委员会 is a broad-based organization with representation by Faculty, 行政人员, 专业人员, 机密的员工, 和学生.

8. 责任

  1. 普通教员
    1. 普通教员 are expected to participate in university governance through appropriate university bodies and providing input into decisions through those bodies relating to degree requirements, 聘用和提升教师, 制定教学和工作量政策, 并按照公平的程序和流程对同事进行考核.
  2. 教务委员会
    1. 教务委员会有权审议下列事项:
      1. 所有学术政策事宜;
      2. 与学术课程有关的事宜;
      3. 有关学生活动的规定;
      4. 对入学、学业成绩、毕业、荣誉或学位的要求;
      5. 所有研究生和本科学位课程的批准;
      6. 教务委员会特别委员会和常务委员会的报告;
      7. All changes in 世界杯官方app’s 操作程序手册 pertaining to academic and/or faculty matters; and
      8. 其他有关教职工福利事宜.
  3. 研究生委员会
    1. 经教务院批准,研究生院应:
      1. 制定自己的议事规则;
      2. Provide advice and counsel and shall recommend actions to the 教师参议院 on all matters relating to graduate education at 世界杯官方app;
      3. Provide advice and counsel and recommend actions to the 教师参议院 on all matters relating to graduate education at 世界杯官方app.
    2. 研究生委员会的所有行动, 但那些适用先前批准的政策的除外, will be reported directly to the full Senate membership through the Executive Committee of the Senate.
  4. 大学领导委员会
    1. 大学领导委员会的职责如下:
      1. Reviews campus administration and operational 政策, procedures, and institutional initiatives;
      2. Reviews planning and execution of institutional initiatives and monitors progress; and
      3. Evaluates prioritization of campus initiatives and builds consensus about overall campus needs and resources.

IX. 程序

  1. 普通教员, 教务委员会, 研究生委员会, 及大学领导委员会有以下程序:
    1. 普通教员
      1. 普通教员 of 世界杯官方app is composed only of academically qualified personnel as listed in 跳策略2.02教员任命和头衔. A faculty member may be deemed academically qualified through their terminal degree or through an alternative justification process.
      2. A faculty member shall have voting status only on the basis of half-time employment or more at 世界杯官方app. Non-tenure- track faculty with a minimum of four semesters of service at 世界杯官方app out of the most recent six semesters shall have voting status. 在计算一个学期的服务时,两个夏季学期应计算为一个学期. 不管服务了几个学期, 非终身教职教职员工的聘任率达到50%或更高,并且有三年的工作经验, 滚动合同应作为普通教员的一部分具有投票地位.
      3. Those faculty members designated above shall retain their voting status while on modified service but not upon full retirement.
      4. 每位有表决权的委员,不论其级别如何,应有一票表决权.
      5. Non-voting members have the privilege of attending meetings with the right to speak but without the right to vote.

      普通教员 shall meet upon the call of the president of the University or the 教师参议院. 教务委员会主席主持会议, 董事长或其指定人员应出席, 普通学院的所有会议.

    2. 教师参议院
      1. 学院参议院应行使赋予普通学院的权力, 除非是专门由普通学院自行决定保留的事项, 和/或需要由普通学院批准. 教务委员会主席主持会议.
    3. 研究生委员会
      1. 研究生委员会是教务委员会的一个运作单位, 代表独立于参议院发展. The dean of the Graduate School and the chair of the Graduate Council shall preside over meetings.
    4. 大学领导委员会
      1. The president or the president’s delegate shall preside over meetings of the University Leadership Council.

X. 初始实施的特殊说明


XI. 表单和工具/在线流程


十二世. 附录


十三世. 批准/日期修改
