Thursday, January 4, 2024



FEBRUARY 8, 2023 — The 世界杯官方app Brain Health Consortium (BHC)正在扩大和加强其跨学科的研究项目,通过合并 世界杯官方app Neuroscience Institute and the university’s Bank of America Child and Adolescent Policy and Research Institute (BOA-CAPRI). BHC现在有来自五个附属学术学院的代表。, Engineering and Integrated Design, Education and Human Development, Liberal and Fine Arts, and Health, 社区与政策(HCAP) -使该联盟能够扩大其科学家合作社区,将他们的发现应用于预防和治疗神经系统疾病, and seek new avenues for funding opportunities.

Jenny Hsieh, the Semmes Foundation Distinguished University Chair in Cell Biology, professor and chair of neuroscience, developmental and regenerative biology, will continue to lead the Consortium, which she founded. Leslie Neely, associate professor of educational psychology, will become the associate director and continue as director of BOA-CAPRI, which merges with the BHC. Charles Wilson, 尤因·哈尔塞尔生物学特聘教授和神经科学教授, developmental and regenerative biology, formerly of the Neuroscience Institute, 将成为副主任,负责神经科学组合内的编程和既定计划.

“We want to encourage further collaboration across all fields, 解决复杂的大脑健康挑战与新的方法和途径,从多方面的跨学科方法.”

With more than 48,000 square feet of dedicated lab and research space, the BHC has grown to encompass 68 faculty members, an increase in membership of 40%. BHC members specialize in stem cells/precision medicine, neuroscience, biomedical engineering, psychology and learning. 这次合并将增加大脑健康的社会决定因素方面的能力, community-based research, neurodevelopmental disorders, and mental and behavioral health.

“随着我们对科学和工程的持续关注,加上BOA-CAPRI带来的加强的社区伙伴关系, we hope to create and broaden research projects with non-STEM disciplines. 这包括推进对大脑健康的社会决定因素的理解,如卫生保健公平和教育公平, 发展干预措施,促进大脑健康干预,促进心理和行为健康, 在服务不足人群中提高脑健康素养的干预措施, 以及在大脑健康研究中增加不同人群的研究, especially from underrepresented communities. We want to encourage further collaboration across all fields, 解决复杂的大脑健康挑战与新的方法和途径,从多方面的跨学科方法,” Hsieh said.

The BHC received over $580,从包括国家科学基金会在内的多个机构获得了2000万的研究经费, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the San Antonio Partnership for Precision Therapeutics (SAPPT), 研究团队专注于各种挑战,比如创伤性脑损伤, COVID-19对大脑的影响以及导致智力残疾和癫痫的基因突变. 迄今为止,该联盟最大的奖金来自美国国立卫生研究院,奖金为1200万美元 Brian Hermann, an associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology; Hsieh; John McCarrey; Kleberg Distinguished University Chair in Cellular & Molecular Biology; and Christopher Navara, director of the 世界杯官方app Stem Cell Core and associate professor of research; to advance new methods for studying genetic brain disorders.

最近,Neely领导了世界杯官方appThe Multi-Assistance Center at Morgan’s WonderlandTM (MAC),旨在成为一个一站式商店,为大圣安东尼奥地区所有年龄段有特殊需要的个人提供医疗和非医疗服务. Neely, along with Erica Sosa, associate dean for research and professor of public health, has already formed the Evaluation and Research Coordinating Center, 它的重点是通过测量结果和确定研究机会,为MAC护理模型提供外部评估功能. The first success, a recent grant, secured by Hannah MacNaul是教育心理学的助理教授 CommuniCare at MAC, to test an outpatient treatment for severe problem behavior.

Within the neurosciences portfolio, 既定的年度研讨会将在2023年秋季继续进行,年度公开讲座系列也将继续进行. The “Neuroscientists Talk Shop” podcast, begun in 2007, will also continue under Wilson’s guidance, 并在与世界杯官方app研究人员的主持小组中展示国际知名神经科学家的研究.

This past year was a notable year for the BHC.

The BHC incubated the Oskar Fischer Prize, with prizes totaling $4 million courtesy of philanthropist James Truchard. Awards were given at the last Academy of Medicine, Engineering & Science of Texas (TAMEST) conference in San Antonio, 随后是为期一天的科学研讨会,讨论这些获奖的全球阿尔茨海默病研究人员的工作.

The BHC supported transdisciplinary research by funding two $15,000 seed grants to 世界杯官方app researchers. The consortium funded COS professor Nicole Wicha’s study, 轻度创伤性脑损伤对语言理解预测加工的影响. The second award was for HCAP Professor Chantal Fahmy’s project, 创伤性脑损伤对监禁后重返社会的长期影响:一项脆弱性评估.

世界杯官方app doctoral students Vanessa Cerda and Tara Flaugher earned prestigious and highly competitive fellowships to support their neuroscience research training at 世界杯官方app. Cerda获得了美国国立卫生研究院的奖励,Flaugher获得了美国国立卫生研究院的奖励.S. Department of Defense and the Pat Tillman Foundation. The students are among the first at 世界杯官方app to receive these esteemed awards. 这两位学生都在Wicha的大脑、语言和认知实验室进行研究.

Hsieh served as an organizer and moderator at this year’s UT System Brain Research Summit, 突出了德克萨斯大学系统中正在进行的创新的大脑健康研究, including at 世界杯官方app.

BHC members are have faculty appointments in the 世界杯官方app Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, a new research-intensive department in the COS. The department recently launched a doctoral program in developmental and regenerative sciences 使毕业生在新兴的再生医学领域具有竞争优势.

对发展和再生科学的关注导致了即将与世界杯官方app再生医学研究所(IRM)举行的BHC联合研讨会。, 以校园研究人员为特色,突出他们独特的研究方法, 有关再生医学和大脑健康研究的资源和方法, 2023.

布莱恩健康联盟是29个官方指定的世界杯官方app研究中心之一 & institutes, and reports through the Office of the Vice President for Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprise.

Sarah Hada

世界杯官方app Today is produced by University Strategic Communications,
the official news source
of The University of Texas at San Antonio.

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University of Texas at San Antonio receives ‘transformational’ $40M gift

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